Drop-in centre
Vital immediate help (eg food, showers, clothing, medical attention) & housing advice
Grant £15,000
When someone has been spending their nights on the streets, a hot meal, shower and change of clothes in a warm and safe environment can make a huge difference, not only to their general wellness but also how they feel about themselves.
Day centres like the Manna Society’s in Southwark are often the first port of call for people trying to get off the streets. By working to address both the short and longer-term needs of their clients, they are vital to starting people on a route out of homelessness.
The centre sees to people’s immediate, short-term needs such as food, clothing, and medical services. It also provides advice services that help people address the causes of their homelessness and overcome the barriers they may be facing. People can access mental health support, the internet, and housing and welfare advice to help them secure or maintain accommodation. Services such as these help to remind people that their homelessness doesn’t have to define them, and support people to start making the changes they need to get off the streets.